About me.

About Me.

2nd year CPUT Journalism student, with a keen interest in TV broadcasting and a love affair with chocolates and gin! TV Presenter for CTV AND NACTV, former ETV, Smile FM and Good hope FM intern.  Life motto:  A selfie a day keeps the doctor away!  

News has always been the prime factor of my career, I knew I had a chance at this journalism career when I entered the ETV building which was then in Kloof Street, as a job shadow student under the guidance of Journalist Lance Witten.  I’ll never forget the day. Witten was scheduled to go on air at 13:15 to read his sport bulletin, it was my 5th day shadowing him, he grabbed my hand and asked me ‘would you like to go see where I read the bulletin from?” An overly excited 17 year old me smiled so widely that I yelled YES at the top of my lungs (one would swear Lance asked me to marry him that day!)

We walked down the stairs so fast (Lance was late, he had to be in his anchor seat at 13:10, to read at 13:15, we got to studio 13:14!” he turned to me after closing the door and said “switch your phone off, don’t make a sound, don’t touch anything and stand still!” Of course I listened, but my excitement was just so overwhelming I couldn’t believe I was standing in the very same place where the news anchors anchor live bulletins.
As soon as Lance got off air, the show went to an ad break. Lance then took me over to meet Andrew Barnes and Bhavna Singh who were then the News day anchors from Monday to Friday 13:00-16:00. Barnes shook my hand firmly and looked deep into what felt like my soul and uttered ‘So you the new job shadow student?” I nodded. He then went on to say “So this is the career you want young lady?” to which I proudly said “Yes sir” he nodded and looked to the right and uttered firmly “Joe, pull up the autocue please” Barnes, led me to his anchor seat, all I heard was  Lance saying “Andrew, go easy on her”.
At 17 years old, I read a news bulletin off an autocue for the very first time in my life (off air of course.) The feeling is indescribable, I don’t know where my confidence came from, I don’t know where my ‘The Queens Language’ came from but I read that autocue like my life depended on it.  
After I finished reading it, I saw Andrew, Bhavna and Lance stare at each other wide eyed, I wasn’t quite sure what they were thinking, but I got up. Andrew walked over to me and said “Young lady, I want you to go and study Journalism, you have a gift! The way you come alive while you read that bulletin is commendable, well done!” I smiled so wide, I thought my cheek bones would break.

Lance and I left the studio to go back to the newsroom, whilst outside smoking his cigarette, he turned to me and said ‘Take Andrews advice, his mentored lots of journalism students, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him praise a student the way he just did you.”
I knew then and there that it’s going to be journalism, come hell or high waters. 
It took me a few years to enrol into a University, but in the mean time I went onto intern at Good hope FM for 1 year, spent 6 months at Smile FM and then eventually ended up at CTV where I Produced a  weekly news show, and eventually went on to do basic journalism work and anchoring.

It’s safe to say; the journalism bug caught me, and my story is still being written, keep watching this space! 

For more about my life and the journey I’m on to be a successful TV broadcaster, you can follow me on social media: @lisaleesolomons on Instagram, @ lisaleesolomon1 on Twitter and Interest https://za.pinterest.com/   


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