About me.

About Me. 2 nd year CPUT Journalism student, with a keen interest in TV broadcasting and a love affair with chocolates and gin! TV Presenter for CTV AND NACTV, former ETV, Smile FM and Good hope FM intern. Life motto: A selfie a day keeps the doctor away! News has always been the prime factor of my career, I knew I had a chance at this journalism career when I entered the ETV building which was then in Kloof Street, as a job shadow student under the guidance of Journalist Lance Witten. I’ll never forget the day. Witten was scheduled to go on air at 13:15 to read his sport bulletin, it was my 5 th day shadowing him, he grabbed my hand and asked me ‘would you like to go see where I read the bulletin from?” An overly excited 17 year old me smiled so widely that I yelled YES at the top of my lungs (one would swear Lance asked me to marry him that day!) We walked down the stairs so fast (Lance was late, he had to be in his anc...