The glorified selfie.
Picture taken inside the recording studio @NACTV
You know, I'll never quite understand what it is about taking a selfie anytime of the day that just sets ones mod. I am predominately known as the "selfie queen" and I make absolutely no excuse for it, I will not deny it,I will never correct you, hell, I might even ask you too be in my selfie!
You see, the thing about owning a really good camera or cellphone is the fact that it takes beautiful pictures. Now, one might argue that there is more to life than just taking a random picture or a random selfie, and quite frankly you are 100% correct, but honestly speaking, what lasts longer than a picture? and a picture says a thousand words right?!
Many people around the word hate taking pictures, they cant stand looking into a camera lens, and I totally respect that. What I'm not going to do is beg you to be in my selfie, I will respect the fact that you dont like taking pictures, but what I'm not going to do is let you make me fell less of a human being just for taking a selfie of myself. Quite frankly, I dont know whats so hideous about taking pictures anyway, yeah I know not everyone is picture perfect, and not everyone is camera ready but at least let us that love taking pictures be left in peace. And please, for the love of cheeseburgers, Stop looking at us weirdly when we pull out our cellphone.
Sincerely: #SelfieQueen :)
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