
Showing posts from July, 2020

Blogging my way through life and my career.

Blogging has become quite the “IT” thing these days, not only because of lockdown and because people now have more time to sit and work on their blogs, but because in the media world its quite recommendable to have a blog if you a young student journalist looking to make a name for yourself in this media world. Blogging is important for student journalists because it allows space to perfect your craft. Writing is a crucial part of any journalist’s career, and what better way to get your creative juices flowing than blogging on any topic that suits your persona.   Of course, with any piece of article that your write, you have to write for an audience and include all information that is not going to leave your audience asking “but what about..” or “so what happened next”? Many people have resorted to blogging these days, because it is a quick and easy way to get your work out there for people all over the globe to see. Student journalists will put themselves in better positions...

Why are picture filters so addictive?

It's become the new normal to have ones picture taken with a filter. I for one, have become so use to adding filters to my pictures because they bring out more beauty in the frame.  The filter I used for this specific picture of mine is an Instagram cherry filter, all it does is add cherries to the side of  your cheeks, the beauty of this cherry filter is that its not the only filter there is, if you a regular Instagram user, you would know that Instagram has many filters you can choose from, its literally like a candy shop, you choose, try on which one suits your personality and makes you look extra gorgeous, save the filter, and wolla!! The filter is now added to your Instagram account for when you want to make use of it. The reason why I liked this one out of all the other filters that I have already tried is that its so cute, plain yet so extra :) Yeah, so you probably thinking "why do people use filter on their pictures?, why cant they just be natural?...