Picture supplied from Kim's Instagram account @KimKardashian If there is one celebrity that I can spend my whole entire day watching, it's this woman right here. Kim Kardashian West really has made a name for herself from literally having no talent at all to becoming one of the highest paid reality stars of our time. She's done literally everything under the sun to gain media attention and to keep the bucks coming in, but what surprises me the most about her is how she turned what could have ruined her whole entire career, into something this big and to still stay so relevant. Yep, I'm talking about the infamous sex tape with ex boyfriend Ray J. Rumor has it that she does not get any royalties from the tape (between you and I,we know thats a lie), and that her mom Kris Jenner was the one that actually leaked the tape. Either way, sex sells and Kim Kardashian West cashed in on the tape real big, so big that she even managed to make her entire family household na...