It's getting HOT in here🔥🔥🔥 !

Is it just me or have we been seeing a lot of these beauties around Cape Town. By Lisalee Solomons. Picture taken by LisaleeSolomons at the Roeland Street Fire Station in Cape Town. Summer in Cape Town has officially reached its exiting point (for which I am so glad for), So I think its only fair that I show abit of appreciation for the many men and females that courageously sacrificed their life to put out blazing fires in and around Cape Town during the very hot days we experienced during the heatwave period from December to mid March, sometimes having to work right through the night because of very strong winds that interrupt them from doing their works so diligently. Now, its not everyday where you'll find people from the public offering up their time to go and spend some time at a local fire station, so when the opportunity arose for me to go and see what life is like at Roeland Street fire station, not only was I super excited to see t...